I make Seay Soaps by the sea shore... !! I love the fact that I can go into my kitchen, pull out a vat of coconut oil, a container of lye, various other oils and herbs, and put together a wonderful skin condiment that is healthy and heals my body! How FABULOUS is that!? And since I can't make just one bar /round of soap... I sell the rest at the farmer's market locally and sometimes do a festival or two. What my co-worker thinks when I say I am making soap! LOL!
Did I tell you before, what a good thing hand made soap is? Well, it really is a good thing. I make each batch in small amounts, so as to monitor the quality. I add in each carefully measured ingredient and stir with all the love I have in my heart! I don't take out any of the good stuff either. I leave it all in the soap so that each person that uses a bar can feel the difference that hand made soaps offer.
My story is: I love to make stuff. Art, pottery, web pages, food - yea! and soap. I got started on using hand made soap after reading an article about what store-bought soap had in it... or rather did not have in it. Most soaps that you buy in the store are not really soap... they are detergent. Do you know what detergent it? Chemicals... yuck! I did not want any more chemicals on me! Check out this page: http://make-up-cosmetics.com/cosmetics/toxic-chemicals-cosmetic-products.html I want soothing oils, and the gentle scrubbing action of an herbal additive that is also adding soothing and healing properties. I will tell you this: I use a few things that are not herbal, but they are natural... Sodium Hydroxide - that's lye... no lye, no soap! It is also called caustic soda. Good news about this stuff though. Once you add it to the beautiful oils it causes a chemical reaction - it is scientific! The reaction is called saponification, and that is where the oil and lye combine to make what is called a free fatty acid, and then in another reaction forms soap. This amazing process causes a lot of heat and the soap in the mold needs to be covered with towels or blankets and allowed to process before you even try to cut it. And the second thing I use that is not really herbal is activated charcoal. It is natural, but it ain't an herb anymore! But when it's added to the soaps I make.... weellll, it is a pretty awesome soap! So, More later... like in a day or so... about soaps, and herbs and well, you know I'm gonna talk about me too! Blessed Be! Patsy #seaywitch #apalachicolapsychic #agelesscrone |
Soaps & Herbals.... witchy Stuff too.I do creative and witchy stuff... to help bring balance and wellness to life!
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